Rapid Acquires Avian Machinery in China
Year:2009 ISSUE:20
Click:207    DateTime:Jul.14,2009
Rapid Acquires Avian Machinery in China    

On June 23rd, Rapid Granulator AB announced that it has acquired Avian Machinery, the Shanghai-based manufacturer of granulator and recycling systems.
   The acquisition will mean Rapid is able to service local Chinese and Asian customers more quickly and efficiently, reduce lead times and boost its competitiveness in the Asian market.
   Rapid will relocate its operations in China to Avian's 50 000 m2 facility located in Shanghai. This ten-fold expansion in production space means Rapid will be now able to manufacture and assemble more of its own product range in China for local customers.
   Avian Machinery was founded in Australia in 1982 and moved its production to China in 1997.