Large Ultrafine Aluminum Silicate Producer on Stream in Hebei Langfang
Year:1998 ISSUE:29
Click:331    DateTime:Jan.04,2006
        Large Ultrafine Aluminum Silicate Producer
                on Stream in Hebei Langfang
To meet the need in the ultrafine chemical product  market,
  Langfang  Red- Yellow- Blue  Chemical  Industrial   Group
Corporation and Huayang Industrial Co.,   Ltd.   of  China
  Sugar  Corporation  have   jointly   established   Jinxin
Ultrafine Chemical Industrial  Co. ,   Ltd.   in  Langfang
Development Zone. Ultrafine aluminum silicate has  started
to be produced. The product  has  been  used  in  Shanghai
Nippon Coating Co., Ltd., Suzhou Nippon Coating Co., Ltd.,
Langfang Nippon Coating Co., Ltd., Shanghai Huili Chemical
Materials Co. ,   Ltd.   and  Beijing  Red  Lion  Coatings
Corporation with satisfactory results.